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View this short 8 minute video to learn more about Snook Christian Academy.


Snook Christian Academy, began as Alabama Gulf Coast Christian Academy in 2006, with 21 students at the fellowship hall of Summerdale church of Christ. The school began as an implementation of a goal of Allison Lambert Coxwell, who had passed away in April of 2000. Her dream of instilling a quality Christian education for children in this area is now a flourishing reality with the hard work and commitment of many hands. 

At the school’s 10 year anniversary, in 2016, the school changed the name to Snook Christian Academy to honor Marjorie Snook for her support of the school. Ms. Snook has been vital in her dedication and love for the school. Thank you, Ms. Snook, for helping to make the dream a reality and for allowing the school to provide a quality Christian education that services the Baldwin County area. 

What once began with 21 students in a fellowship hall of the Summerdale church of Christ, has now grown into a dually accredited, warm, loving atmosphere, where students are able to grow not only academically, but spiritually. The campus consists of four buildings, a baseball field, a playground area, and over 300 students in enrollment.



SCA Mission Statement

Our mission at Snook Christian Academy is to “Provide a Quality Christian Education.”

SCA Vision Statement

Snook Christian Academy is committed to placing and maintaining Christ as the center of all we do and accomplish. We are committed to providing an education that not only prepares students for future accomplishments, but also for a life of service to our Lord and maker. We are committed to providing this experience with a Christian faculty and staff, in a safe and inviting environment.

SCA Philosophy Statement

In order to provide a quality Christian education, we believe in the following philosophy: 

  1. The sovereign God of the Bible is the creator of the universe (Genesis 1:1-3) and the one infallible true God that sent His only son, Jesus, to redeem us from our sins. Therefore we will follow Him alone. He is the creator of all things, visible and invisible, in the heavens and on the earth. He is perfect in all His ways. (Genesis 1:26)

  2. The Bible is the one source of absolute truth. It is God’s direct revelation to man and is all sufficient to serve as our guide throughout all aspects of everyday life. (Ps. 19:7-9; 2 Tim. 3:16- 17)

  3. All people have fallen short of perfection and have a need to be reconciled to God through the blood of Jesus Christ. (Rom. 3:10-11; Rom. 3:23; Romans 5:8; 1 Cor. 15:1-4)

  4. We are in the world for a little while, but we are not of the world in that we put our treasure, our hope, and our future in God’s hands. (James 4:17; Matthew 6:19-21; Matt. 5:13-16; Philippians 4:13)

  5. Just as God made us all with different talents and abilities to further His kingdom, each student is created with a unique style of learning that should be cultivated in the classroom. (Ps. 127:3; Matt. 19:14; 1 Cor. 12:14-20)

  6. God has given each parent the responsibility to raise their own child, but we as a school can partner with the parents to supplement their spiritual, academic, and physical maturity. (Eph. 6:1-3; Prov. 22:6; Deut. 6:4-9)

  7. SCA is an independent Christian school that teaches the truth of God from His Holy Word, and is overseen by an independent board of directors that are associated with the churches of Christ.

In order to help accomplish our mission, Snook Christian Academy has the following goals or objectives: 

  1. We will provide daily Bible classes and a daily chapel program for all ages.

  2. We will teach principles from the Bible as the only source of truth.

  3. We will teach that everyone is in desperate need of Jesus Christ and His cleansing blood.

  4. We will promote the idea that our hope is in God alone and we are here to serve Him.

  5. We will provide our students and teachers various opportunities to serve God through our
    school organization.

  6. We will provide specials in the elementary and pre-school, and various extra-curricular activities
    for all ages.

  7. We will partner with our parents and students to create an atmosphere conducive to building
    Christian character and educating the whole child.

  8. We will teach all subjects from a Biblical perspective.

  9. God will be in the center of all that we do.

SCA Statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality

We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female. These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God. (Gen 1:26-27.) Rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person. As such, we will recognize and acknowledge the biological sex documented on the student’s birth certificate.

We believe that the term “marriage” has only one meaning: the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture. (Gen 2:18-25.) We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other. (1 Cor 6:18; 7:2-5; Heb 13:4.) We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman.

We believe that any form of sexual immorality (including adultery, fornication, homosexual behavior, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, and use of pornography) is sinful and offensive to God. (Matt 15:18-20; 1 Cor 6:9-10.)

We believe that in order to preserve the function and integrity of SCA as a Christ centered school, and to provide a biblical role model to SCA students, families, and the local church community, it is imperative that all persons employed by SCA in any capacity, or who serve as volunteers, agree to and abide by this Statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality. (Matt 5:16; Phil 2:14-16; 1 Thess 5:22.)

SCA students should also agree to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of the school’s Christian mission, values, and Statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality, both on and off campus. This includes, but is not limited to,

•          avoiding the use or distribution of pornography, or any sexually explicit or suggestive material.

•          abstaining from sexual relations with any other individual.

•          avoiding same-sex dating or romantic behavior.

•          living consistently with one’s recorded biological sex, given by God at birth, while avoiding any attempts to disagree with or alter one’s biological sex.

•          students using the bathroom and locker rooms of their biological sex, pronouns consistent with their biological sex, and participating on athletic teams of their biological sex.

While our policy articulates our firm convictions regarding Biblical authority on these issues, we affirm that there are students seeking a safe space at SCA to navigate the complex issues surrounding human sexuality. Students are encouraged to discuss their questions and concerns about sexuality or any other aspects of their lives with counselors and administrators at SCA. Such discussions will be handled discreetly and in collaboration with the student’s family, as deemed suitable based on age and circumstances. We pledge to treat each student with love, respect, and compassion while upholding Christ-centered values and Biblical truth in our campus culture.

We believe that every person must be afforded compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity. (Mark 12:28-31; Luke 6:31.) Hateful and harassing behavior or attitudes directed toward any individual are to be repudiated and are not in accord with Scripture or the Biblical perspective of SCA.

Board of Trustees

Lester Smith- Board Chairman, Retired Director of Human Resources, Elder at Foley Church of Christ

Marjorie Snook- Board Treasurer, Retired CEO for Gulf Telephone Company, Member of Summerdale Church of Christ

Eric Gray- Minister at the Robertsdale Church of Christ

Ann Holcomb - Sojourner, Member of Summerdale Church of Christ

Billy Lambert- Gospel Preacher and Elder at Summerdale Church of Christ

Pat Wood - Attorney in Baldwin County, Member of Summerdale Church of Christ

Dallas Wyatt - Civil Engineer at Baskerville Donovan, Member of Foley Church of Christ

Office Staff

Elementary Faculty

Upper School Faculty

Campus Staff

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Admission Process

At Snook Christian Academy, we feel it is vital to tour every school facility of interest to find a good fit for your family. Our admissions office would be happy to answer any question or to schedule your family's tour. Call our office today at 251-989-2333.

Why Snook Christian Academy?

At SCA we strive to serve the whole child and instill in each one the love of God.  To inform you about the services that we offer, we have created a list of some of the benefits you should expect from our school:

  • Loving and Caring Christian Teachers

  • Low Student to Teacher Ratio in all Grades

  • Competitive athletic program for grades 6-12

  • Performing Arts opportunities for grades K-5

  • Opportunities for induction in the National Honor Society, National Junior Honor Society, and National Elementary Honor Society

  • An AdvancED (Cognia) accredited diploma

  • Daily Bible Classes

  • Daily Chapel Services

  • Daily PE Classes

  • Daily Enrichment in Library, Art, Drama, Music, etc. for Elementary Students

  • Technology in each classroom

  • FACTS Services for Parental Access to Grades

  • Accelerated Reader Program

  • Dual enrollment opportunities for secondary students at the University of Alabama, Auburn University, Coastal Alabama Community College, and others.

  • Service Opportunities for All Grade Levels

  • Spiritual Emphasis Day for all students

  • “A Quality Christian Education” in a Family Atmosphere


Snook Christian Academy is committed to excellence in academics by following Alabama's Courses of Study through a Biblical perspective. SCA also holds an accreditation through both Cognia (AdvancED) and NCSA for grades K-12. We offer smaller class sizes for more student attention in the elementary school. We have Interactive Projectors in each classroom and technology for each student for a more interactive learning experience. 

STAR tests are given quarterly to monitor student progress throughout the year, and teachers use the testing data to impact classroom instruction to optimize learning for each student. 

SCA's Pre K program is for children ages 3 and 4, and focuses on school readiness in a Christian environment. The Pre K curriculum includes learning shapes, colors, letters, and numbers, through cooperative, hands-on activities. The Pre K program also offers various enrichments, including drama, music, library, and art. Students participate in regular drama and musical productions throughout the school year. 

Elementary programs at SCA focus on student achievement on a high level. STAR Reading & Math Testing programs measure academic achievement that is monitored regularly. Students are also challenged through the Accelerated Reader program and rewarded for their achievements. The elementary program offers various enrichments, including drama, music, library, & art. Students participate in regular drama & musical productions throughout the school year. 

The secondary school challenges students to work toward college readiness. High school students will have the option of completing a standard or honors diploma. Secondary students have an opportunity for dual enrollment through the University of Alabama, Auburn University, Coastal Alabama Community College, and others. Students also have a broad range of online elective courses that are available through our partners at Ethos School and Troy University.

Tuition & Fees

2024-2025 School Year






Snook Christian Academy is committed to excellence in academics, following Alabama's Courses of Study through a Biblical perspective and accreditation through both Cognia (AdvanceED), AISA, and NCSA. Even with smaller class sizes in grades 6-12, SCA is still able to provide classes that will prepare students for life after high school. SCA also offers college and career counseling to students and families who are interested in achieving their goals after high school graduation. We have interactive projectors in each classroom and technology for each student for a more interactive learning experience. STAR tests are given periodically to compare student achievement to national standards, and teachers use the testing data to modify and implement classroom curriculum to optimize learning on an individual basis.


Pre-K 3 & 4

SCA's Pre K program is for children ages 3 and 4, and focuses on school readiness in a Christian environment. The Pre K curriculum includes learning shapes, colors, letters, and numbers, through cooperative, hands-on activities. The Pre K program offers various enrichments, including drama, music, library, and art. Students participate in regular fine arts productions throughout the school year.


Elementary programs at SCA focus on student achievement.  Star Reading & Math Testing measure academic acheivement which impacts classroom instruction.  Students are also challenged through the  Accelerated Reader. The elementary program offers various enrichments, including drama, music, library, and art. Students participate in regular  fine arts productions throughout the year.


Secondary programs challenge students to work toward college readiness.  High school students have the option of completing a standard or advanced diploma track.  Secondary students also have an opportunity for dual enrollment through the University of Alabama, Auburn University, Grand Canyon University and Coastal Alabama Community College. Students also have a broad range of online elective courses through our partners at Ethos School and Troy University.

As Grandparents we feel it is truly a blessing to have the opportunity for our granddaughter to attend SCA. We feel this is a critical time in her life and extremely important in structuring her future. Most important is that she has God in her life in a top quality school. To her, the students, teachers, and other faculty members are her extended family.
— SCA Grandparents


SCA's enrichment program encompasses music, art, and drama in the elementary school. Pre K and elementary grades participate daily in enrichments. Secondary students have various electives that are offered periodically. 

Veterans Day program | Thanksgiving Concert | Christmas Concert | Musical Dinner Theatre



Elementary National Honor Society



Youth Cheer


Art Club

Chess Club

Music Lessons - Guitar and Piano

Peer Helpers

Service Club

Fitness Club

Athletic Club


National Jr. Honor Society

National Honor Society

Student Government Association

Peer Helpers

Scholar’s Bowl

Athletes for Christ

Art Club


Color Guard


Chess Club

Music Lessons- Guitar and Piano

We are truly blessed and grateful to have our children attend SCA. The school provides a Christian environment where the kids can grow spiritually, academically, and socially. The small class size gives the kids a lot of one-on-one attention. Our kids love their teachers and look forward to going to school every day.
— SCA Parents





Opportunities to Give

Snook Christian Academy is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the educational and spiritual growth of students. Areas in which individuals have an opportunity to give include:  

Monetary Donations

Musical Dinner Theatre

Kickball Tournament

Golf Tournament

Memorial Gifts

Future Building Projects

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Snook Christian Academy is a member of the AISA Conference


"For bodily exercise profits little, but godliness is profitable for all things.

Having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come."

- 1 Timothy 4:8

At Snook Christian Academy, the athletic department is committed, motivated and dedicated to train Christian athletes not only physically to try their best, but in learning and instilling traits such as discipline, perseverance, determination, character, integrity, and leadership. The SCA’s Athletics program serves as an extension of the school’s mission to provide a quality Christian education for all students. 

Snook Christian Academy competes in the Alabama Independent School Association (AISA) on the 1A level. SCA has a variety of sports options each season. Some athletic team options at SCA include Football, Volleyball, Cross-Country, Cheer, Basketball, Archery, Baseball, Softball, Track, and Golf.

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FACTS Family Portal

FACTS Family Portal



Snook Christian Academy

Phone: (251) 989-2333

Fax: (251) 989-2365

18930 County Road 28

Foley, AL 36535

Driving Directions

From Points North via Hwy 59:

Traveling on Hwy 59 South, after passing County Road 32 in Summerdale, veer right onto County Road 71. Drive approximately 1/2 mile south to SCA.

From Points South via Hwy 59:

Traveling on Hwy 59 North, after passing the entrance to the Foley Beach Express, turn left onto County Road 28. Drive approximately 1/2 mile west to SCA.

From Points East via County Road 32:

Traveling east on County Road 32, after passing the intersection of County Roads 32 and 9, drive approximately 5 miles, and turn right onto Hwy 59 South. After approximately 1/2 mile, veer right onto County Road 71. Drive about 1/2 mile south to SCA.


Contact Us

Legal Notice: Snook Christian Academy, Inc. admits students of any race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, financial aid programs, and other school-administered programs.

Work with Snook Christian Academy!

Needs for 2024-2025

None at this time.